Archive for the 'mtt' tag

Video: Music Directors Discuss Challenges and Opportunities

With so many changes afoot in the American orchestral world, what do music directors see as particular challenges and opportunities? Read more

Video: Music Directors and The Orchestra

How exactly does a conductor work with an orchestra? We asked several music directors to speak about their philosophy and technique. Read more

Podcast: Chapter Ten – Looking Ahead, in Philadelphia and Beyond

When The Philadelphia Orchestra emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy in July 2012, the ensemble became a canary fluttering back out of a deep dark mine. Philadelphia’s path forward will be closely watched, and not only because music lovers at home and around the world have such a stake in this...
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Podcast: Chapter Six – The Creative Challenge, Off the Stage

In a culture that exalts the individual, creativity is thought of first and foremost as the distinctive stamp of a personality, the outpouring of a specific genius or talent. But organizations can and must be creative, too, if they hope to endure and thrive. In the face of financial woes, aging...
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Podcast: Chapter Five – Orchestral Creativity, on the Stage

Where does the marvel of musical creativity come from and how does it work? What parts do muses and inspiration, intuition and the subconscious, hard work and happy accident play in the process? In this podcast, we examine the ways in which creativity can flourish, falter and forge new pathways in...
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